8 steps to your best life yet

It is estimated that the self-help industry brought in 11.6 billion dollars in 2019. This through sales of books and DVDs, life coaching, late night infomercials etc. All this money spent in the pursuit of the BBD (Bigger Better Deal). People unhappy with their lives searching for a way to find peace and joy.

King David, perhaps one of the best Life Coaches in all of history, gives us 12 steps to follow to have our best life yet in Psalm 15:

Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? 
Who may live on your holy mountain? 
2 The one whose walk is blameless, 
who does what is righteous, 
who speaks the truth from their heart; 
3 whose tongue utters no slander, 
who does no wrong to a neighbor, 
and casts no slur on others; 
4 who despises a vile person 
but honors those who fear the Lord; 
who keeps an oath even when it hurts, 
and does not change their mind; 
5 who lends money to the poor without interest; 
who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. 
Whoever does these things will never be shaken 

If you want to have a great life, here is what David recommends:

1) Always do the right and moral thing. As Christians our guide is the Bible so follow the precepts laid out there.

2) Don’t lie. Speak the truth even when it’s not convenient.

3) Don’t gossip. You don’t want people speaking ill of you, so don’t do it to others.

4) Love your neighbor as yourself and if you don’t have anything good to say about someone keep your mouth shut.

5) Keep good company. As my pastor always says, “If you hang around goofballs, you’ll become a goofball.” Spend time with people who have good moral character, who will build you up, who will encourage you to follow your dreams & who are successful in what they do.

6) Keep your word even when it is difficult. Don’t be wishy washy or unstable. Instead be a person of dependability.

7) Whenever you are able, help those who are in need whether it’s lending money or mowing their grass. Do for others what they can’t do for themselves. By doing this you will get your focus off yourself and your own selfish desires.

8) Run away from corruption, the love of money will only bring heartache into your life.

So David made it simple for us. We don’t need any self-help guru to explain it to us. We have to choose to do the right thing if we want the positive results. It’s no different than if you are trying to lose weight or get 6 pack abs. You have to make a conscious choice to lay off the junk food and put the work in by exercising. So today I encourage you to do what David did and make a choice to have your best life ever.

Am I saying doing these things will get you to Heaven, no. We can’t earn our way to Heaven by good deeds. But will your life here on Earth be filled with more peace, joy & love, yes. If you’d like to know more about Heaven and what comes next after this life just reply to this blog. Meanwhile in the words of Bill & Ted, “May you have a most triumphant day!”


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