The running of the bulls

Have you ever come across something so outrageous that you wish you had your phone so you could take a picture of it?  That happened to me a couple of weeks ago.  Unfortunately I didn’t have my phone as it was still with Andrew in Nairobi being unlocked.  Oh well here in Africa you learn to be patient as things move more slowly than back in America.
So Baba, Mama, Tracy & I have to drive into the town of Migori for some supplies.  Baba & I were waiting in the truck while Tracy & Mama were at the grocery store.  I’m enjoying my favorite pastime of waving at the people and saying Hi.  That’s when I saw it.  Down the road, coming at us was a fairly large herd of bulls.  We of course were parked on the side of the road, but there was A LOT of traffic in town that day and all the trucks, motorbikes and taxis were weaving around this herd of bulls that was being led down the main road. 

I started laughing so hard.  In my mind I was comparing it to driving down NASA Rd 1 in Clear Lake, TX and having a herd of bulls coming at you.  I thought of the running of the bulls in Spain, but there were no people running in front of the bulls.  There were just a couple of young men with long sticks prodding the bulls along.  I’m so glad we were on the side of the road and not trying to drive.  This sight didn’t even move Baba.  Apparently this is a common occurrence here in Kenya.  Oh well just another wonderful example of why it’s so great to live here.  Every day is different and exciting.  Wish you were here!


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