Jesus Got This

I know it has been a bit since you have heard from me but we are doing well. Life here in Matoso goes on mostly as usual. Like the rest of the world we are dealing with the effects of COVID-19. In keeping with the request of the government we have had to close our school, for now, and send the students home. We keep in touch with many of them as they write us on WhatsApp. From their words it’s plain to see that many of them are worried and missing school. We comfort them as best we can and tell them we look forward to seeing them again when the school is open.

In the midst of trials, such as this virus, it’s easy to allow worry to take over our minds. However if you are asked to stay at home, like many of us in the world, now is a great time to get back to our ultimate source of peace and comfort in difficult times, the Bible. There are many great passages that have been touted in the media recently such as Psalms 91 & 23. The passage that has been comforting us most lately is Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” The truth that many of us forget is that God exists outside of time. He created time for us but He doesn’t exist within it. That is why He can see the past and He can see the future.

Why should this comfort us so much? Because it means that COVID-19 didn’t catch God by surprise as it did the rest of us. God knew this was coming and He already had a plan to take care of us. Before you were born, God knew exactly what you would need during this time. God knew your job might be interrupted and He had a plan for that. God knew you might be stuck in your house and He had a plan for that. So rest easy today because we know God is in control and He has a good plan. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

In His Service,



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