Big Sun

One of the most important things you need out here in the remote areas of Kenya is sunshine.  When I was in America, I never gave the sun much thought except during the summer when it was so hot.  However, here we are dependent on the sun for our power.  We live in a very remote area where electricity (here called steamer) is not available.  All the electricity we use daily is generated from solar panels.

Without the sun, we have no power.  That is why we daily ask God for big sun so that our electrical batteries will be charged up.  No sun, and we are like Gilligan’s Island, “no phone, no lights, no computer* not a single luxury.”

You know there is another Big Son who provides power.  I’m talking about Jesus the Son of God.  Jesus provides us with the power to live our daily lives.  We need to pray daily for the Big Son to charge our spiritual batteries.  Without His power, like a solar battery, we will be dead, no charge, no life.

So in your prayer time today, don’t forget to ask God for His Big Son to give you power to make it through the day.  When you stay plugged into Jesus, your spirit will always be charged up, even on cloudy rainy days.

*I made a slight change to lyrics


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