
Again dear readers here is another entry from my wonderful wife Tracy.

Over a month ago, Bear and I felt like the Lord was calling us to a three day fast to press in and pray for things. As the first day of the fast drew near, it was also impressed on our hearts to fast electronics. So for the three days that followed, Bear, Hope and I gave up the computer, Nook, Surface and all our phones. I am not going lie, it was hard the first day! However, I enjoyed how we hung out more as a family instead of all off in different rooms staring at screens.
                To be completely honest with y’all, before we moved here our family got into a nasty habit of eating in front of the TV every night. With that being the case, we barely communicated at meal time. Since we've moved to Kenya, we share every meal together with lots of chatter and laughter. Those days we were unplugged, we sat around and talked even more. We also enjoyed playing dominoes, card and dice games together. 

                I realize everyone’s lives are busy and we rely heavily on our electronics, but if I can encourage you to unplug even for a day and spend time with your family, you won’t regret it. I know we haven’t, in fact, we are thinking about unplugging again in the near future.


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